
  • 2024 - 2029
    Ph.D. in Computer science
    University of Minnesota
    • Advised by Prof. Ju Sun.
    • Mentored by James Zhu (Zscaler).
  • 2022 - 2024
    M.S. in Computer and Information Science
    University of Pennsylvania
    • Advised by Prof. Mingmin Zhao.
  • 2018 - 2021
    B.S. in Computer Science
    University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
    • Advised by Prof. Ju Sun and Prof. Shashi Shekhar.
    • Mentored by Feng Yang (Google Research) and Myungjin Lee (Cisco Research).
    • Closely collaborated with Prof. Christopher Tignanelli (Med School).


  • 2024
    Machine Learning Engineering Intern
    • Multi-agent LLM project hosted by James Zhu.
  • 2023-2024
    Xylo AI
    • Data generation project hosted by Roger Lam, Chief Technology Officer at Xylo AI.
  • 2022
    Research Intern
    Cisco Research
    • Federated Learning project hosted by Myungjin Lee.
  • 2021-2022
    Research Fellow
    Cisco Research

Honors and Awards


  • Fall 2021
    Teaching Assistant
    CSCI 2033 Elementary Computation Linear Algebra, University of Minnesota
  • Spring 2021
    Teaching Assistant
    CSCI 2011 Discrete Structures of Computer Science, University of Minnesota
  • Fall 2020
    Teaching Assistant
    CSCI 2011 Discrete Structures of Computer Science, University of Minnesota

Professional Services

  • Program Committee
    • Conference(Paper): AAAI 2025 (3)
  • Reviewer
    • Conference(Paper): CVPR 2024 (4), UAI 2024 (5), MICCAI 2024 (4)
    • Journal: MURAJ
  • Organizer


Appl. No. US63/626,860 Filed during PhD study at UPenn.
Appl. No. US18/101,620 Myungjin Lee, Dhruv Garg, Gaoxiang Luo, Ramana Rao V. R. Kompella. ADAPTIVELY CONFIGURING RESOURCES IN FEDERATED LEARNING SYSTEMS. Pub. No. 2024/0256890 A1. Filed during internship at Cisco Research.
Appl. No. US17/828,582 Myungjin Lee, Gaoxiang Luo, Ramana Rao V. R. Kompella. Reconciling computing infrastructure and data in federated learning. Pub. No. US 2023/0385708 A1. Filed during internship at Cisco Research.